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DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2019.09.pp.033-042

Остроумов О. А., Синюк А. Д.
(с. 33-42)

Аннотация. Посредством доказательства фундаментальных теорем кодирования получена точная оценка общей информации, передаваемой по широковещательному каналу связи (ШВК). На основе введенной неопределенности доказана обратная теорема кодирования. Определен порядок использования неравенства Файнстейна для доказательства прямой теоремы кодирования. Совокупный результат теорем кодирования доказывает, что информационная емкость и пропускная способность совпадают. Оценка пропускной способности ШВК представлена графически. Полученные результаты расширяют известные исследования эффективности различных моделей ШВК и могут быть использованы проектировщиками для оценки потенциальных возможностей синтезируемых систем связи, включающих ШВК.

Ключевые слова:  широковещательный канал связи; информационная эффективность ШВК; неопределенность ШВК; обратная теорема кодирования; неравенство Файнстейна; прямая теорема кодирования; точная оценка пропускной способности ШВК.


Ostroumov O. A., Sinyuk A. D.
(pp. 33-42)

Abstract. The most important studies of well-known Broadcast Communication Channels (BCC) models are associated with obtaining accurate information efficiency  estimates(IE). Earlier, the coding problem was stated, the joint information measure (JI) of the proposed BCC model was introduced and investigated. Then the information capacity (IC) was introduced and the conditions for maximizing the average JI were defined, the uncertainty concept was defined, and an evidence-based adjustment of the Feinstein inequality for the channel model under study was made. In the present paper, the general information accurate estimate transmitted via the BCC by proving the fundamental coding theorems is obtained. On the basis of the previously obtained results, the inverse coding theorem for BCC was proved, which determines the condition for the code error average probability striving to one, which consists in choosing a code with a speed exceeding IE BCC. The Feinstein inequality role on the basis of which the direct coding theorem roof is carried out is determined. The theorem states that there are codes with a low error probability, provided that the code rate does not exceed the channel's IE. The coding theorems cumulative result proves that the IE and the throughput (BC) coincide. An accurate estimate of BC BCC is obtained. The results obtained do not contradict and extend the well-known IE studies of various BCC models and can be used by designers to assess the synthesized communication systems potential capabilities, including BCC channels. The purpose of further research is the gain estimate through IE channel transmission in comparison with the successive transmission through the component channels, which will outline the conditions for the preferred use of the BCC.

Keywords: Broadcast communication channel; Broadcast channel informational efficiency; Broadcast channel uncertainty; Inverse coding theorem; Feinstein inequality; Direct coding theorem; Broadcast channel throughput capacity accurate estimate.


О. А. Остроумов, А. Д. Синюк (Военная академия связи им. Маршала Советского Союза С. М. Буденного, Санкт-Петербург, Россия) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


O. A. Ostroumov, A. D. Sinyuk (S. M. Budenny Military Academy of Communication, Saint-Petersburg, Russia) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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1. Yuanpeng Liu, Elza Erkip. (2016). Capacity and Rate Regions of a Class of Broadcast Interference Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62(10), pp. 5556–5572.
2. H. Kim, Gamal A. El. (2016). Capacity Theorems for Broadcast Channels With Two Channel State Components Known at the Receivers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62(12), pp. 6917–6930.
3. Yang Gao, Ertem Tuncel. (2011). Wyner-Ziv Coding Over Broadcast Channels: Hybrid Digital/Analog Schemes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), 57(9), pp. 5660–5672.
4. Behzad Asadi, Lawrence Ong, Sarah J. Johnson. (2014). On Index Coding in Noisy Broadcast Channels with Receiver Message Side Information. IEEE Communications Letters, 18(4), pp. 640–643.
5. Sinyuk A. D, Ostroumov O. A. (2017). Broad-cast Communication Channel general information coding problem statement. Vestnik komp'yuternyh i informatsionnyh tekhnologiy, (1), pp. 16-20. [in Russian language] doi: 10.14489 / vkit.2017.01.pp.016–020.
6. Sinyuk A. D., Ostroumov O. A. (2017). The Information-Theoretical transmission model of broadcast channel general information. Vestnik komp'yuternyh i informatsionnyh tekhnologiy, (11), pp. 29-36. [in Russian language] doi: 10.14489 / vkit.2017.11.pp.029–036.
7. Sinyuk A. D., Ostroumov O. A. (2018). Informational capacity and discrete broadcast communication channel uncertainty. Vestnik komp'yuternyh i informatsionnyh tekhnologiy, (11), pp. 36-45. [in Russian language] doi: 10.14489 / vkit.2018.08.pp.036–045.
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10. HonFah Chong, Ying-Chang Liang. (2018). On the Capacity Region of the Parallel Degraded Broadcast Channel With Three Receivers and Three-Degraded Message Sets. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64(7), pp. 5017-5041.
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