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15 | 02 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2014.01.pp.015-024

Кандырин Ю. В., Кононов М. Е.
(с. 15 – 24)

Аннотация. Рассмотрены алгоритм и программная система автоматизированного выбора аналогов по прототипам из допустимых множеств, реализующие переход от транзитивного к нетранзитивному орграфу частичного порядка посредством удаления всех транзитивных дуг. Дано описание блок-схемы программы «Структура», приведен ее алгоритм и этапы работы.

Ключевые слова: аналог; прототип; многокритериальный выбор аналогов; окрестность варианта; граф частичного порядка; фактор-множество.

Kandyrin Yu. V., Kononov M. E.
(с. 15 – 24)

Abstract. This paper presents the definition of the analogues automatic choosing by a given prototype using Pareto criterion problem and its’ solution. It is suggested to describe the set of possible variants using “sets-factors” of the neighborhoods’ alternatives in associate matrixes. Such a matrix with the variable number of Pareto criterion quality characteristics can be constructed by the less-sized associated matrixes conjunction. An associated matrix univalent defines the transitive digraph of a variants partial order on the initial set. It is presented that the analogues choosing problem can be reduced to the graphs’ all transitive arcs removing. And the resulted partial order is described by the Hasse diagram, in other words “intransitive digraph” (i.e. digraph). The final choice of the analogues variants is implemented by checking the variants to the correspondence to the variable conditions. The algorithm of the transitive arcs removing in the associative “sets-factors” matrix can be divided into three stages. During the first stage is implemented the search of the string which contains the maximum number of the ‘1’ symbol. This symbol identifies the graphs’ arcs. On the second stage is implemented the choice of the first transitive arc in the found string. On the third stage the next string is taken according to the number of ‘1’ symbol, thus the number of ‘1’ symbol in the matrix is reduces. In the end only intransitive arcs remain. The remaining intransitive arcs organizes digraph. The elements of digraph, which are connected with the prototype are named the analogues. The second part of the article shows the software implementation of the described algorithms and represents the developed computer program “Structure”. Its’ basic possibilities are demonstrated; screen-shoots of the main steps are showed. The sequence of the analogues choosing and final results in the program are also described. The article includes the problem statement, the methods, the solutions and the program “Structure” description. The result of this work is the instrument, which can help to deal with the different problems in engineering domain, for example constructing, development, repairing and etc.

Keywords: Analog; Prototype; Multicriteria choice of analogs; Neighborhood variant; Count of a partial order; Factor set.


Ю. В. Кандырин, М. Е. Кононов (Национальный исследовательский университет «Московский энергетический институт») E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


Yu. V. Kandyrin, M. E. Kononov (National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute») E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


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3. Кандырин Ю. В., Кошелев А. М. Алгоритмы установления приоритетов объектов по техническим показателям в целях назначения оптимальной очередности их ремонтов // Вестник компьютерных и информационных технологий. 2006. № 7. С. 18 – 25.


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3. Kandyrin Iu. V., Koshelev A. M. (2006). Algorithms of setting priorities for objects by technical indicators in order to establish an optimal order of priority for the repairs. Vestnik komp'iuternykh i informatsionnykh tekhnologii, (7), pp. 18 – 25.


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