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15 | 02 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2014.05.pp.026-031

Каляев А. И. , Мельник Э. В.
(c. 26 – 31)

Аннотация. Предложен новый подход к организации поиска информации в таблицах потоков коммутатора, входящего в состав программно-конфигурируемой сети (ПКС). Рассмотрены особенности построения современных ПКС на базе открытого стандарта OpenFlow. Приведен перечень проблем, стоящих на сегодняшний день перед производителями коммутаторов, и предложен новый подход к реализации аппаратного поиска информации в таблицах потоков OpenFlow-коммутатора, основанный на использовании программируемых логических интегральных схем. Рассматриваемый метод позволит расширить сферу применения ПКС за счет возможности осуществления быстрого поиска по маске по всем битам заголовка.

Ключевые слова: программно-конфигурируемые сети; коммутатор; программируемые логические интегральные схемы; таблица потоков; поиск по маске.


Kalyaev A. I., Melnik E. V.
(pp. 26 – 31)

Abstract. The architecture of modern networks is outdated: a substantial part of the network users are mobile and constantly changes the point of connection to the network and the routing processes in networks with such rotation should be different from existing ones, focused on wired clients with permanent connections. Routing in a constantly changing network is more complex because existing architecture of computer networks has no universal management paradigm. The network is fragmented, so each new function, for example, a routing function, have to be inserted at low levels of network abstraction. The solution of this important problem of network resource management requires the establishment of appropriate mechanisms of network control, network infrastructure and data streams. One of the most progressive approaches to building a new generation of computer networks are SDN (Software-Defined Networks). The basic idea of SDN approach can be described as following: management of network equipment shall be separated from transmission control through the creation of special software that will control all elements of the network. In this paper author presents a new method to organize hardware search in the tables of rules in the SDN switch. This paper describes the design features of modern SDNs based on open standard OpenFlow, main problems of modern OpenFlow switches, and proposes a new approach for building hardware search based on field-programmable gate arrays. The proposed method allows searching by mask in all bits of the header of incoming packages and therefore to expand usability of the SDNs.

Keywords: Software-defined networks; Switch; Field programmable gate arrays; Table flow-tables; Wildcard search.


 А. И. Каляев, Э. В. Мельник (Научно-исследовательский институт многопроцессорных  вычислительных систем им. акад. А. В. Каляева Южного федерального университета, Таганрог) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


A. I. Kalyaev, E. V. Melnik (Scientific Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computer Systems of Southern Federal University, Taganrog) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


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2. GENI Exploring Network of the Future. Available at: http://www.geni.net (Accessed: 15.07.2013).
3. Open Networking Foundation Formed to Speed Network Innovation. Available at: http://archive.openflow. org/wp/ 2011 / 03 / open-networking-foundation-formed-to-speed-net-work-innovation/ (Accessed: 06.04.2014).
4. McKeown N. et al. (2008). Openflow: Enabling innovation in campus networks. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 38(2), pp. 69-74. doi: 10.1145/1355734.1355746
5. OpenFlow Switch Specification. Available at: http://www.openflow.org/documents/openflow-spec-v1.1.0.pdf (Accessed: 15.07.2013).
6. Sherwood R. et al. (2014). Carving Research Slices Out of Your Production Network with OpenFlow. Deutsche Telekom Inc. R&D Lab. Stanford University, Available at: http://www.gta.ufrj.br/horizon/articles/sigcomm-pd-2009-final65.pdf (Accessed: 06.04.2014).
7. Naous J. et al. (2013). Implementing an OpenFlow Switch on the NetFPGA Platform. Available at: http://yuba. stanford.edu/~jnaous/papers/ancs-openflow-08.pdf (Accessed: 15.07.2013).
8. Salisbury B. (2012). TCAMs and OpenFlow – What Every SDN Practitioner Must Know. Available at: http://www.sdncentral.com/technology/sdn-openflow-tcam-need-to-know / 2012/07 (Accessed: 15.07.2013).
9. Owens B. (2013). OpenFlow Switching Performance: Not All TCAM is Created Equal. Available at: http://packetpushers.net/openflow-switching-performance-not-all-tcam-is-created-equal (Accessed: 15.07.2013).
10. OpenFlow Support with HP Procurve 5400zl Series. Available at: http://www.openflow.org/wp/wp-content/up-loads / 2011/04/ HP_Procurve_OpenFlow_support.pdf (Accessed: 15.07.2013).
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12. Virtex-6 FPGA Family. Available at: http://www.xilinx.com/products/silicon-devices/fpga/virtex-6 (Accessed: 01.08.2013).


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