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15 | 02 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2014.06.pp.025-033

Май В. П.
(с. 25-33)

Аннотация. Предложена и программно реализована пространственная математическая модель формирования речного стока, включающая склоновый водосбор с использованием цифровой модели рельефа территории речного бассейна. Показана возможность практического применения предложенного подхода с помощью вычислительных экспериментов на реальных данных. Для повышения вычислительной эффективности реализованной программы выполнено распараллеливание расчетов на компьютерном кластере.

Ключевые слова: моделирование поверхностного водостока; вычислительная схема; алгоритм параллельных вычислений; динамическая балансировка загрузки кластера.


May V. P.
(pp. 25-33)

Abstract. Predict of intensive precipitation is quite topical, as it will help to conduct the necessary acts in the assumed flooded areas in proper time. The given work is devoted to developing computational scheme for spatial model of slope water runoff on locality relief with realization of parallel computations with the help of multiprocessing system. In the given work we suggested a model for forming runoff with accent on relief as one of the main factors. Numerical model of relief means the area of land presented as a grid with square cells in the nodes of which we preset the elevations above sea level. Usually Saint-Venant equation and its various applications are taken as a basis for water runoff modeling. In our problem information about depth and speed of water flow is more important than information about runoff volume. We performed calculations on a basis of data covering all territory of water runoff of the assumed flooded area without input river flows. In this case a free runoff is possible at all area boundaries, and this fact significantly simplifies the formula of boundary conditions. The chosen general form of leading equations allows use different forms of the law of conservation of impulse not modifying a structure of the law of conservation of mass. Under this approach the main solved question is digitization in time. That’s why first we consider digitization of leading equations in time, and then digitization in space. As in the given work only the slope runoff is considered, while breaking the modeled area up into square cells it is necessary and suffi-cient to save cell elevation above sea level and elevation of water column for every cell. To describe system dynamics at the cell boundary the average flows at time step are calculated, and the system passes to the next state by realizing in time (overflowing) the found flows. The shown scheme of water runoff is very capacious with respect to number of the necessary calculations, and taking into account the quest for maximal relief specification, time of calculations becomes too large. Because of this, to accelerate computational process we used computer cluster. The designed computational scheme of slope water runoff model and also an algorithm of its parallelizing were tested at small water header.

Keywords: Slope water header modeling; Computational scheme; Algorithm of parallel computations; Dynamic load balancing cluster.


В. П. Май (ФГБУН «Институт автоматики и процессов управления Дальневосточного отделения РАН», Владивосток) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


V. P. May (Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


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