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15 | 02 | 2025

DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2016.02.pp.052-059

Мельников А. К.
(pp. 52-59)

Аннотация. Рассмотрены пути модернизации реконфигурируемых вычислительных систем на базе программируемых логических инте-гральных схем. Определена проблемная область вычислительно трудоемких задач, имеющих сложность более полиномиальной. Проанализированы результаты применения рассмотренных путей модернизации с точки зрения увеличения возможностей системы по решению задач повышенной размерности в условиях сохранения времени их решения.

Ключевые слова:  вычислительные системы; вычислительный элемент; программируемые логические инте-гральные схемы; производительность; вычислительная сложность; модернизация; интенсивный и экстенсивный пути.


Melnikov A. K.
(pp. 52-59)

Abstract. The paper covers ways of improvement of reconfigurable computer systems based on FPGAs. We determined the problem domain of computationally laborious tasks that require improvement of RCS with computational complexity which exceeds polynomial complexity. Three types of tasks were selected in the problem domain: subexponential, exponential and power complexity; a critical time of task implementation was determined as a time interval, when results of task implementation are remaining needed. The aims of RCS improvement are determined as increasing of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Quantitative characteristics are RCS ability to solve certain tasks from the problem domain within a specified time interval. Qualitative characteristics are RCS ability to solve tasks with certain dimension from the problem domain within time that not exceeds critical value. Three ways of RCS improvement, directed to increase of their quantitative characteristics, are considered in this paper: extensive, intensiv  and combined methods. The extensive method of improvement involves increasing numbers of computing elements; the intensive method of improvement involves using FPGA chips of new generation in computing elements without increasing of their numbers; the combined method – increasing numbers of computing elements and using FPGA chips of new generation. The results of use of the consi-dered ways of improvement are analyzed from the view point, when RCS capabilities of realization of tasks with extended dimension are increased, but the critical time of task implementation remains invariable. The result of analysis of ways of RCS improvement is shown that the use of extensive and intensive methods does not increase the qualitative characteristics of RCS for implementation all computationally laborious tasks from the problem domain, when the critical time of task implementation remains invariable, and can lead to increase the quantitative characteristics. The use of the combined method of RCS improvement can increase the quality characteristics of RCS only for tasks with subexponential complexity.

Keywords: Computer systems; Computational element; Field programmable gate arrays; Performance; Computational complexity; Improvement; Intensive and extensive methods.


А. К. Мельников (ЗАО «ИнформИнвестГрупп», Москва) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript  


 A. K. Melnikov (CLSC “InformInvestGroup”, Moscow) E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


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